
Below is a selection of papers by area, including pdf's of some manuscripts. Please contact me for more reprints.

R-related Software

Much of the software development of the last years war R-related. There is the iPlots project with Simon Urbanek

and the R frontend called JGR (Java Gui for R). This is joint work with Simon and Markus Helbig.

Interactive Data Visualization

My latest software project in Interactive Data Visualization is the Mondrian software.  Recent publication on
both published in WIREs in 2010

 A paper on
is published in Exploring Geovisualization by Dykes, McEachren and Kraak.

Much of my work in data visualization and intercative graphics was related to the MANET software. MANET is developed at the Department of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis at the University of Augsburg in Germany.
Two papers deal espacially with selections in huge, highdimensional datasets, using 'Selection Sequences': Some other work on data visualization deals with the comparision of Trellis Displays and interactive graphical methods.

Interfaces and Design of Statistical Software

These two papers deal with topics which are more related to computer science issues, but are essentially important for everybody who develops statistical software.

Analysis of Categorical Data

All these papers are based on visualization techniques using mosaic plots, and compare to different graphical and parametric analysis techniques.

Data Analysis

Intrusion Detection


Analysis of Longitudinal data