Statistical Computing and Graphics Newsletter
The new issue (Vol. 21, No. 2) is out now. Featured articles are:
barNest: Illustrating nested summary measures
by Jim Lemon and Ofir LevyYou say “graph invariant,” I say “test statistic”
by Carey E. Priebe, Glen A. Coppersmith and Andrey RukhinComputation in Large-Scale Scientific and Internet Data Applications is a Focus of MMDS 2010
by Michael W. Mahoney
and of course, announcements and the news from the section chairs.
Andreas Krause passed the graphics editorship over to me last fall, and I am looking forward to a lot of interesting submissions in the coming years.
Please feel free to contact us (Nicholas, computing co-editor, or me, graphics co-editor) no matter whether you are a student or professor, a statistician or a practitioner, … whatever is interesting to the community and has its quality has a pretty good chance to be published.