EU Debt Crisis Visualizations: No JMP forward
On the JMP blog you find a post which uses the same data source I took for my first attempt to visualize the web of the EU debt. I found it hard to really make a point with this data. Looking at the JMP post tells me I wasn’t all too bad. Let’s walk through their visualizations:
- The Map
Certainly necessary for someone in the US – who knows where Portugal, Spain and Austria are; or was it Australia ..?
But seriously, scaling the very irregular shapes of the countries outline has more problems (on the perceptual side) as benefits. - The Heat Map
This graph degrades the information to a binary information of being creditor or not – be it 1€ or 1,000,000,000€. The conclusion that Germany and France are in trouble because they lend to many other countries is not convincing as it only reflects their economical power. - The Tree Map
As tree maps are “only” a different representation of a tree, i.e., a hierarchy, why would you visualize a matrix with it? I can’t really follow the chain reaction of defaults which is interpreted from this tree map. Looks a bit along the lines “if all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail”.
One thing that is really not well thought about the graphs are the different color schemes between the graphs.
In the end, I think someone really needs to get “the right” data and show us “the right” visualizations such that we understand what’s going on – but hurry up, Greece might be broke by then …