Too Hot to handle?
This is the ideal post to combine Infographics/Visualizations with the user interface aspect. I found it on Kaiser’s Junk Charts.
Having spent only a few years of my life in the US and being inculturated in orderly and standardized Germany, I can tell that most faucets here come pretty close to the “should be” situation. This is mainly due to the fact that we handle temperature and water flow in two or more, but separate dimensions. The combined interface is as wired as hard to handle. My impression though is that the “magma” range is as wide as the “ice cold”, what does not change the problem at all.
Nonetheless, once you took a shower in the US, you know what it means to find this tiny slot between “ice cold” and “magma” – and for the non-US readers, I really mean “magma” not just “hot water” ;-). Thanks to the creator of this fun graphics!